Sunday 15 December 2019

7th Dan Promotion

It seems very fitting that this post should be the first dojo news post on our new Bushin Kenpo Kai website, and the last of 2019.

David Wilson, 10th Dan with Stuart Rogers

I am proud to announce that my long-serving student and friend Stuart Rogers was promoted to 7th Dan on Thursday 12th December 2019. An informal presentation after the close of the Bushin Kenpo Kai dojo for the Christmas break with two of our most loyal and dedicated Bushin Kenpo Yudansha.

Colin McDonnell 4th Dan with Stuart Rogers

Congratulation Stuart, you have proved yourself to be a  loyal and dedicated student and  instructor over many years

Dave Walsh 3rd Dan with Stuart Rogers

Stuart is not on facebook, however, 50+ congratulation posts in one day, Stuart will be overwhelmed when I pass on everyone's comments.

All of the comments so far are from either martial artists that both Stuart and I have the utmost respect for or ex-students that have trained with Stuart at some point along his path.

I am known as one of the hardest and most demanding bastards to train under, I do not charge for grading's, you dam well earn your promotion. With the modern trend of being able to buy your grades, or buddying up to obtain your grade, your comments in regard to Stuarts promotion make me feel proud and humble. My ambition as an instructor since the mid-1980s has always been to teach realistic personal protection, train hard, fight easy. Every time one of my students earns his/her grade irrelevant of rank, I achieve as well.
Honest, dedicated budoka like Stuart are the future of martial arts, as old dogs like me are the present, and soon to be the past. There is no greater reward than seeing your students passing on the knowledge you bestowed on them.
So, from Stuart and myself, thank you one and all.

Yours in Budo
David Wilson

1 comment:

Bushin Kenpo Kai said...

A very deserved promotion.